Every sunrise is a fresh start



Helping people navigate changes to their health naturally.


Fresh Start is a clinic that offers transformational, results-focused care for people who want to improve their energy, skin, digestion and hormone balance.



Dr. Jen Parsons, ND

Dr. Jen Parsons, ND


My Approach

I founded FRESH START in 2020 to prioritize the healthcare of those who seek information, advice and treatment for issues that are overlooked and misunderstood by institutional medicine.

As a Naturopathic Doctor I trust in your own observations and feelings about your health. I approach health issues with compassion and expertise gained through 15 years of successfully accompanying patients on their health journeys.



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How I Treat

I focus on results-based treatments. To get to results we need accurate and meaningful assessment to identify lifestyle stresses, lingering mental health issues, eating habits and other internal factors that have an impact on your energy, digestion, hormones and skin.

Using diagnostic testing and active listening, I will provide lifestyle strategies and a long-term health plan so you can enjoy beautiful skin, increased energy and balanced mood.


Initial Visit: Virtual / In-Person

75 minutes

Initial visits involve a detailed intake physical exam. During the first visit, I listen carefully to your health history and current concerns so that an individualized treatment plan can be made. Laboratory testing such as urine or blood analysis may be recommended.

$295 *direct billing offered for most major insurance companies

Follow-up Visit

30 / 45 / 60 minutes

Follow-up visits involve creating & reviewing your custom treatment plan and working through ongoing health issues. Please call directly to book.

$120 / $165 / $195*

Lifestyle Strategies Assessment

75 minutes

During this focused appointment we will create a plan to assist in making long-term lifestyle choices that will help you ease through difficult transitions.


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Acupuncture & Cupping*

45 minutes

Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient therapy utilizing such techniques as acupuncture / acupressure, cupping, movement, lifestyle, diet therapy to restore balance in the body. Western acupuncture is frequently used for chronic pain by increasing circulation to the area, relaxing tight muscles, and breaking up adhesions/scar tissue. Dr. Jen has extensive training in both eastern and western acupuncture.


Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture*

60 minutes / 5-10 sessions recommended

Cosmetic acupuncture or facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a non-surgical method of reducing the signs of aging, and with minimal unwanted side effects. It is called rejuvenation, because it is more than a cosmetic procedure - it is a rejuvenation and revitalization process designed to make the whole body look and feel more ‘glowy’.

The treatment includes facial massages with rosehip seed oil, jade roller massage and mask to seal in moisture and improve tone.

$205 *covered by most insurance plans


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Fresh Start: helping to balance mindset, body & skin so you can live life, not just push through it.



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Clinic Info

Fresh Start is located at “The Naturopathic Nook", a shared clinic located in the Upper Beaches neighborhood of Toronto.

Virtual visits are available and in-person visits are offered in line with current health recommendations. I look forward to seeing you!



902 Kingston Road
Toronto, Ontario
M4E 1S5


Mon.    9 - 7
Wed.    9 - 7
Thurs. 9 - 3 (virtual only)
Fri. 9 - 3

